The next day, I decided that we would go to the Apple Store to see how much it would cost to fix. I was hoping it would be something like $100 and I knew my son had roughly $50 saved up from lots of christmas' and birthdays and we would chalk it up to a really expensive lesson. We walked in and asked the first sales associate what we should do and he looked a little stunned with the "wow you're screwed look" on his face and then proceeded to tell us we needed to set-up a genius appointment which we did. I wasn't too hopeful after this. When our name was called we spoke to Charlie and my son told him what had happened. Charlie asked if it was a Christmas present and my son said it was. Charlie then said that since it was a present and that we had just got it he would simply swap it out for a new one.
He typed something into the computer and then printed out the forms. We signed some papers and walked away with a brand new iPod Touch. My son was so stunned he kept asking me what was I doing with that new iPod Touch. I told him that the guy just replaced his cracked one with a brand new one and we didn't have to pay anything. He couldn't quite grasp what had just happened.
Wow, that's customer service. I didn't even buy it at the Apple store. Charlie the Apple Store Genius didn't even care or ask.
We were so amazed that after we walked out of the store my son and I agreed we were Apple customers for life. For the $50 bucks or what ever it would cost Apple to replace the screen they turned us into giddy fanboys. That was kind of a tough reality to admit for this Microsoft employee but Apple deserved it.
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